Friday 21 October 2016

Why Read?

Human beings have always had the desire to communicate to the rest of the world, the family, the friends. Which means we have written. We still write. I am writing. Why do we WRITE? It is because we have things to say, teach, explain. So writing is a way of letting others know something that did not know and people around them did not know. Writing helps us get in touch with people who live on the other face of the earth or who live in a time thousand of years ahead of the current date. Writing on the wall of caves, drawing. It helps the future generations know how it was in the past. Without phones, cars and other various equipment's we have. This shows that writing has always been a way to communicate to a mass, or to the future. We can conclude that writing helps share knowledge and information which help the future develop even further. It is even a way of recording information for repeated reference, like scientists do. Writing carries a lot of weight. Me writing about why to read is you reading information writing by me. I may be in India but by writing I have communicated to you where ever you are.

So, now coming down to why you should read. Reading has many benefits. Let's go through each benefit one by one. Starting by physical benefits. It helps strengthen your brain muscles. Our brain is a muscle but isn't actually a muscle. It is called a muscle because of its ability to strengthen by being used like your bicep. When you read your brain thinks and focuses which is like a workout for it. So like you go to the gym to get muscle visible to people. Reading also develops muscles which become visible as you speak. As it helps boost your vocabulary, your grammar and your knowledge. Your brain is like a mop because a sponge is small and mops are big. So, when you read, you put your mop is water and now it depends on what type of water you put your mops in. Nevertheless your knowledge of that thing will grow. Which makes it important, read what benefits you. People say that reading helps keep your brain young and relieve stress. I believe it does. Reading stories that a nice, happy, romantic and funny helps relieve stress, because you start imagining what you read. So when you read good stories, you live that story which helps you by putting you a happy place and who doesn't want to be in a happy, funny and romantic place. Books are a world of their own. It takes you places, helps you discover things you have not, makes you feel emotions you haven't felt before. After living a book you see the world differently. This pulls us towards the more intimate and fantasy side of reading. Readers are a community in themselves. If a reader sees someone read the same book they find a friend. I feel that way though. But its true books are a conversation starter for people. You find someone read the same book you read, you can go over to them and strike a conversation. Besides that when you read News you get to know what is happening in other countries. I am an avid 9gagger, reading content in the application has helped me know about the problems happening because of clown costumes in different countries. I feel this is enough reading you should do for a day. If you felt this was helpful, let me know. Comment and I'll read. I will continue this.

Thank you.